October 2024 From the East

October 2024 From the East

  • Posted by William Mountzouros
  • On October 5, 2024


As the leaves change and autumn settles in, it’s time to reflect on the progress we’ve made and look ahead to the opportunities that lie before us. October is here, and with it comes a renewed focus on our Lodge activities and community engagement.

I want to extend my gratitude to all who participated in our recent programs, “Rededication and Reunion” and our discussion on “Laudable Pursuit” .Much more important than the presentations themselves was the lively conversation that followed.. Your involvement is what makes our Lodge thrive.

This month, we continue with Masonic education. First, mark your calendars for our upcoming program “Why This Confusion in the Craft?” on October 9th. I encourage all members to attend and participate in the discussions.

For our second meeting this month, Oct. 23rd,we will be attending Babylon Lodge and their School of Instruction where the topics will be the First Degree as well as Observant Masonry, which promises to be both enlightening and engaging. The officers will open and close the Lodge, allowing the remainder of attendees to travel directly to Babylon. See the event details on Band for more details.

Lastly, I would like to remind everyone about the importance of attendance at our meetings. Your presence enriches our discussions and strengthens our bonds as brothers. Let’s continue to support each other and uphold the values that Freemasonry represents.

Wishing you all a wonderful October filled with warmth, brotherhood, and personal growth. I look forward to seeing each of you at our upcoming events!


W:.William Hanson


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