From the East September 2024

From the East September 2024

  • Posted by William Mountzouros
  • On September 5, 2024


As summer draws to a close and we prepare to embark on a new Masonic year, I want to take a moment to reflect on the past few months and look forward to what lies ahead.

Our summer break has been a time for relaxation and renewal, with our social nights providing a wonderful opportunity to connect and strengthen the bonds of brotherhood. I hope you all enjoyed these gatherings and found them as fulfilling as I did.

Now, as we step into September, we’re ready to resume our regular meetings and activities with renewed energy and enthusiasm. This is a time for new beginnings and a chance to set our goals for the upcoming year. I’m excited to lead our Lodge as your Worshipful Master and am eager to work together with each of you to continue our journey of personal growth and the betterment of our Lodge.

We have an exciting year ahead, filled with opportunities for both personal and collective achievements. I encourage all of you to bring your ideas, enthusiasm, and commitment as we dive into our new Masonic year. Let’s work together to make it a year of meaningful progress and fellowship.

Wishing you all a smooth transition back into our Lodge activities. I look forward to seeing you at our first meeting of the year and to a productive and rewarding year ahead.

W.: William R. Hanson Worshipful Master


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